Held every year in early November, the IBSA Annual Meeting is a gathering of messengers and guests from the nearly 900 member churches which form the Illinois Baptist State Association.
Functionally, it is the business meeting of the state network. Anyone can come as a guest but to have an active vote in the business sessions requires being sent as an elected messenger from an IBSA church. Those desiring to come as messengers should contact their church regarding their process of appointing messengers. The church will complete their messenger registration.
During the business sessions committee reports are presented and voted on. There are opportunities for directions and input from voting messengers. Reports from national and state Southern Baptist partners are heard. New churches are welcomed into the family.
The event is more than just business, though. It’s an opportunity to hear about what God is doing through Southern Baptist supported ministries across the state and around the world.
Participants experience vibrant worship and hear dynamic preaching. New relationships are built with like-minded, gospel-focused Illinois Baptists through smaller ministry group gatherings and casual conversations. Old friendships are renewed with ministry friends from around the state.
It is a great time to build connections, receive encouragement, and participate in setting directions for cooperative missions that advance Jesus’ Kingdom here in Illinois.